News & updates 2007
12 Dec 2007 |
Results from the Finnish Winner Show held in Helsinki 8/9 Dec: Kiara EXC/3 under Rainer Vuorinen, Kukka VG under Bo Skalin, and Arttu won the champion class and went third in the dog challenge with res CACIB under Kresten Scheel.
Peppi took part in a temperament test in Haukipudas 10 Nov. The judges were Lauri Ojala and Jari Keinänen and Peppi scored 174 points, which is quite impressive for a Lappie. What is more, Peppi has collected her first clean run and a win in the Midi Agility 2 class!
We have got quite a few recent health results, some of which are good
and some not-so-good: Puru's hips and elbows were x-rayed and the Kennel Club vet's evaluations came back as follows: hips E/E (severily dysplastic) and elbows 1/1 (mildly dysplastic). Litter brother Nuuk was more lucky: hips B/B, elbows 0/0, patellas 0-0, and prcd-PRA Normal/Clear. Sister Kukka had her patellas examined and unfortunately she turned out to have patella luxation (grade 2) on her left knee. The right knee is normal. Arttu the Crested was eye tested and his eyes are clear except for morbi corporis vitrei (vitreous degeneration). Thank you everyone for having your dogs examined!
30 Oct 2007 |
Kukka was tested for prcd-PRA and the result came back as Normal/Clear. What is more, Jäkäläkummun Jänkäjustus, the sire of the Cantavia M litter, was tested Normal/Clear as well, which means that the litter is now clear by parentage. |
28 Oct 2007 |
Excellent news from the show rings again:
Seinäjoki Int'l 20/21 Oct, 30 Lappies shown under Leif-Herman
Wilberg: Peppi won
the champion class, was placed 3rd in the bitch
challenge and took her second CACIB! Kiara
was shown for the first time this year and she
went fourth in the bitch challenge out of eight
PHs entered under Barbka Novak. Arttu
made an appearance in the ring on Sunday and was
placed third in the champion class by
Bengt-Åke Bogren (68 Cresteds present).
Jyväskylä 21 Oct - Autumn Specialty of
the Lapphund Club of Finland: What an unbelievable
day as we got two class winners out of the huge
entry of 170 Finnish Lapphunds! First up was Kukka who was the
only junior bitch graded Excellent (13 entries in
the class) and thereby automatically won her class
under Hannu Talvi. Jeppe was
shown as well, however, this time he was only
graded Good by Esko Nummijärvi. Lempi went fourth
in the veteran class under Maija Mäkinen, and
the last one up was our star of the day Peppi - she won the
champion class and finished off the day by placing
second in the bitch challenge under Hannu Talvi. I
can tell you I was over the moon!
Lahti Int'l 27 Oct, 63 Cresteds shown under Cristian Stefanescu: Arttu third in the champion class. |
8 Oct 2007 |
Show results from the weekend:
Oulu Int'l 6 Oct, 39 Lappies entered for Tina Permo:
Nuuk VG/4, Peppi took BOS with
CACIB and golden girl Lempi went 2nd in the
bitch challenge as well as Best Veteran in Breed - I
cannot complain! Photos below by Minna
Väänänen (Peppi left, Lempi right).

Kemi group show 6 Oct, 33 Cresteds entered for Johan Juslin: Arttu won the champion class and went 4th in the dog challenge.
Oulu Int'l 7 Oct, 55 Cresteds entered for Gunilla Kühni and Denis Kuzelj: Arttu went 2nd in the dog challenge and got a reserve CACIB. |
2 Oct 2007 |
Chinese Crested Club Show 29 Sept: Arttu went second in the dog challenge and was awarded a special prize for "Best Mover of the Day". Fantastic work Arttu and Erja! The judge was Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari.
Kukka made her obedience trial debut in Ulvila 23 Sept. She got a First Prize and is thereby now eligible
to compete in the Open Class. In the overall ranking she was placed second and received a honorary prize. Kukka and Johanna, what a great team you make! |
9 Sept 2007 |
Latest show results: Nuuk VG/2 under Hannu Talvi at a group show in Kajaani 18 Aug. Arttu has been shown as follows: 2nd in the dog challenge at Kouvola 18 Aug (judge Annukka Paloheimo), ECX/2 at Tervakoski Int'l 25 Aug (judge Marjatta Pylvänäinen-Suorsa), VG at the Toydog Specialty in Helsinki 26 Aug (judge Lisa McKenzie), and 4th in the dog challenge at a group show in Tampere 9 Sept (judge Paavo Mattila).
Once again, Peppi and Kati have done great work on agility courses - this talented dog/handler team are now competing in the Midi Agility 2 class as they had the qualifying third clean run at an agility trial in Oulu 18 Aug. I am so proud of you! What is more, the first competitions in class 2 have been successful as well with very few penalties.
Robbie and Mimmi's puppies have now left for their new homes. Cantavia Mielitietty (pet name Miina) and Muskottipähkinä (Ropi) live here in Oulu, Mustikkamaito (Edi) is accompanying Doris in Suomussalmi, Menninkäinen (Remu) and Maitopoika (Remu) moved to Kokkola and Lumijoki respectively, and Maahinen (Youri) travelled all the way to Holland. I wish them all the best in their new homes! |
12 Aug 2007 |
We had a fabulous day at the Rovaniemi group
show yesterday with Jeppe taking
his second CC with BOB and Lempi
going BOS and BOS veteran under Matti
Palojärvi! Doris was
graded Very Good and went 2nd in the intermediate
class. Photo below by Minna Väänänen.

While I was busy showing in Rovaniemi, Elina took Kiara, who has not been shown at all this year, to a match show and Kiara went all the way to Best in Show! |
7 Aug 2007 |
Quinto took another CC & BOB in Leuven, Belgium 4 Aug - well done! |
6 Aug 2007 |
Nuuk was shown again with great success yesterday: he won the junior class and went 4th in the dog challenge at the all-breed show in Kuopio under Matti Palojärvi. What is more, he was awarded his third Res CC. Congrats to owner Pirjo! |
29 July 2007 |
Nuuk went 2nd in the dog challenge and took his second Res CC under Esko Nummijärvi at a group show in Raahe 28 July. Good job again! |
23 July 2007 |
Kukka graded VG under Pirjo Hjelm at the Lappie Summer Specialty in Lammi 22 July. |
16 July 2007 |
Kokkola Int'l 15 July, judge Sakari Poti: Nuuk VG/2, Kukka EXC/1 Res CC, and Lempi EXC/3. |
8 July 2007 |
Quinto went BOB with CACIB today in Brussels - many congrats to owner Brenda! |
6 July 2007 |
Mimmi's puppies are here! A litter of five dogs and one bitch was born 1 July.

Latest show results: Kukka VG/2 under Matti Palojärvi at Mouhijärvi 2 June. Arttu EXC/3 at the following shows: Kotka Int'l 16 June (Petru Muntean), Hämeenlinna 17 June (Joan Hutton), and Karjaa Int'l 1 July (Tatjana Urek). At the Saarijärvi group show 30 June Arttu took the breed and also went Group-3 under Lilian Hanniste! Photo below by Cristiina Laine.

Kati and Peppi attended their third agility trial in Oulu 6 June and had another clean run - now they only need one more to move on to the Midi Agility 2 class!
Doris was tested for prcd-PRA in May, and it is with a heavy heart I have to inform you that her status came back as Affected. I hope and pray that she will get to keep her eyesight for as long as possible. On a lighter note, Kukka had preliminary hip x-rays taken (too young for Kennel Club evaluation) and everything looks OK! Her lower back and knees were x-rayed as well and looked excellent. |
27 May 2007 |
Ii group show 26 May: Lempi third in the bitch challenge and BOS Veteran under breeder judge Eija Lehtimäki.
Helsinki group show 26 May: Arttu
EXC/3 under Jose Vidal. |
25 May 2007 |
Oulu all-breed show 12/13 May: on Saturday, Lempi
went third in the bitch challenge & Best Veteran
in Breed under Maija Mäkinen. Peppi's
result was EXC/3. On Sunday, I was not showing any
dogs but instead judged the Junior Handling
competition, which I enjoyed very much.
Hamina all-breed show 12 May: Arttu, who is certainly back in business and currently in the lead for Top Crested in Finland, EXC/1 under Branislav Rajic.
Salo group show 13 May: Arttu BOS under Pirjo Aaltonen.
Tampere puppy show 17 May: Kukka 2nd in the bitch puppy class under Juha Putkonen.
Helsinki Int'l 19 May: EXC under Michael Forte.
Ristijärvi group show 20 May: Nuuk attended his very first 'adult' class with fabulous results, namely, he went 2nd in the dog challenge and was awarded the Res CC by Raimo Viljanmaa - congratulations are in order! His daddy Jeppe
was graded Very Good and went second in the open class. Doris
was not showing as well as she normally is and
therefore the judge had no choice but to grade her
Good. Peppi , however, did once again well by taking Best Bitch and BOS - good job! The four dogs are photographed below (top left Nuuk, top right Peppi, bottom left Doris, bottom right Jeppe). The photo of Nuuk by yours truly, the other three by Minna Väänänen.
Doris' prcd-PRA status will be available soon as we had a blood sample drawn 11 May. Watch this space for more news! Doris' brother Quinto, who lives in Belgium, was eye tested clear 24 May. |
1 May 2007 |
Puppy news: our special guest star from Denmark, Fin/Dk Ch Club Ch Lapinlumon Lapinloru "Mimmi" has been bred to Jäkäläkummun Jänkäjustus. |
29 Apr 2007 |
Kiuruvesi group show 28 Apr: Yet another fantastic day for us! 33 Lappies were entered under breed specialist Eija Lehtimäki, and all four dogs we were showing did very well. The first one up was Jeppe, who
was graded Excellent, won the open class and then
went on to take the second place in the dog
challenge as well as the coveted CC - congrats to
his owner Minna! Next, it was Doris'
turn to enter the ring and, graded Excellent, she won the junior class and went fourth in the tough bitch challenge. Also graded Excellent, Peppi
not only won the champion class but also the bitch challenge. She finished BOS! To top off the day, Lempi
the veteran got an Excellent grading as well and went second in her class. I could not have been more pleased about the results! Doris is pictured below (photo by Minna Väänänen).

Kajaani group show 29 Apr: Nuuk debuted in the show ring and won the dog puppy class, was awarded a
prize of honour and went Best Puppy in Breed under Pekka Teini - great job Nuuk and Pirjo!
As if the weekend was not perfect enough as it was, Peppi competed in her very first 'official' agility trials today and won both competitions! As one of the courses was a clean run, she is now one step closer to the Midi Agility 2 class. Excellent work Peppi and Kati!
26 Apr 2007 |
Vaasa Int'l 15 Apr (judge Hannu Talvi): Kukka
Best Puppy in Breed - well done Kukka and Johanna!
Haapavesi group show 21 Apr (judge Ritva Raita): Jeppe
was graded Very Good and won the open class.

took Best of Breed (shown here in the group ring with co-owner Kati).

went 2nd in the bitch challenge, Best Veteran in Breed & Runner-up to BVIS.

Photos above by Minna Väänänen. Thank you Kati and Minna for a nice day at the show!
Kankaanpää group show 22 Apr (judge Jouko Yrjölä):
Arttu 4th in the dog challenge.
Hertta was eye tested clear 23 Apr. |
9 Apr 2007 |
Finnish Lapphund Specialty Show 25 Mar: Kukka got a creditable second place in the bitch puppy class under breeder judge Tapio Kakko - way to go Kukka!
Tampere Int'l 24 Mar: Arttu went BOS out of a whopping entry of 116 Chinese Cresteds! The judge was Tiina Taulos.
Lappeenranta 9 Apr: Arttu 2nd in the dog challenge out of 38 Cresteds
under Annukka Paloheimo.
Good news from Belgium: Quinto's hip score is B/B. |
11 Mar 2007 |
Kukka made her show ring debut at the Kaapelitehdas Puppy Show in Helsinki 4 March and did it with style: she won the baby puppy class and was awarded a prize of honour by Marja Talvitie. Thank you Johanna! |
25 Feb 2007 |
Group show in Tornio 17 Feb (22 entries): Lempi second in the bitch challenge and BOS Veteran under Marja Talvitie. |
11 Feb 2007 |
Group show in Raahe 3 Feb: A very good day again with Doris
winning the junior class on her first official
outing and placing fourth in the bitch challenge
out of twenty bitches entered. What is more, Lempi
the golden oldie went second in the bitch challenge, was awarded the Best Veteran in Breed rosette, and later on went 2nd runner-up to Best Veteran in Show (thank you Irina Jylhä for the photo below!). The breed judge was Matti Palojärvi and group judge Marjo Jaakkola.

Rekku attended Kajaani International 6 Jan with his owner Sirpa. He was graded Very Good and placed third in the junior class by Elina Tan-Hietalahti.
Arttu the Chinese Crested was shown at Turku International 28 Jan and he won the champion class and went third in the dog challenge with Res CACIB under Dubravka Reicher. |