News & updates 2021
12 Dec 2021 |
Vappu eye and patella tested clear. Thank you Titta & Eppu! |
6 Nov 2021 |
Luka's prcd-PRA result is here: he is a carrier. Thank you Marja-Liisa for having Luka tested! |
3 Nov 2021 |
Luka has been gene tested Normal/Clear for degenerative myelopathy. His prcd-PRA result should arrive soon. |
2 Nov 2021 |
The past week was a proverbial rollercoaster ride filled with ups and downs. It started when Bella, completely out of the blue, came down with pyometra and we had to make a quick decision whether to try antibiotics or have her spayed straight away. Not wanting to risk anything, we decided to go for the latter. While it is disappointing that our clever Bella will not be having any puppies, the main thing is that she is safe and making a quick recovery.
Next, I got the heartbreaking news that Vekku had had to be given sleep at the age of almost 14 years. Such a special boy and I wonder if there are any other Lappies in Finland that have gained their title under breeder judges exclusively. My condolences to owners Vuokko and Pekka for the loss of your lovely boy.
Friday, however, proved to be a much better day: I took Ruusu's puppies to the vet's to be examined and microchipped, all three getting top marks. While on my way to the vet's, I got a text from the co-owner of Noki informing me about the safe arrival of a male puppy! Fast forward a few hours and I was admiring a photo of five tiny black things (two boys and three girls). Well done Noki and Niina the midwife!
Finally, on Saturday I attended a Breeding Committee meeting where I was presented the Finnish Kennel Club's bronze pin as a mark of recognition for my years of being active in the breed club and in dogdom in general. What a week! |
17 Oct 2021 |
More puppy news! Noki is confirmed in whelp to Famolas Qstone. |
12 Oct 2021 |
Puppy news! Ruusu gave birth to two boys and a girl (all black and tan) on the 16th of September. The sire of this litter is Katajavaaran Menninkäinen.
Tervola group show 25 Sep: Vappu graded Good under Matti Palojärvi.
Bella and her co-owner Hanneliisa have been training search and rescue for a while now in the hope of one day joining the emergency team of The Volunteer Rescue Service of Finland. I am happy to report that they are now one step closer to their goal as Bella recently passed the novice level test of ground search. Big congratulations!
Smokey attended a temperament test held at Muhos on the 26th of September. Judges Reijo Hynynen and Jorma Kerkkä gave him a score of 88 points/gun-sure (additional remark in the report: unaccustomed to gunshots).
Pessi has been gene tested Normal/Clear for degenerative myelopathy.
Jippo has a new profile picture. |
29 Aug 2021 |
Sadly I have to report yet another Cantavia dog passing this year. Remu died recently at the age of just over 14 years. My condolences go out to Remu's family.
Kuopio Spitz Specialty 15 Aug: Rasmus made his show debut under breed specialist Saara Sampakoski. He was graded Very Good in a large junior class.
Bella was temperament tested at Muhos today scoring a pleasing 170 points under Reijo Hynynen and Jorma Kerkkä.
Photo updates: Pessi has a new profile picture, and his photo on Nasti's progeny page has been updated. Similarly, Rasmus (link above) has new pictures on his personal page and on Kira's progeny page courtesy of Sanna Parviainen. |
10 Aug 2021 |
Like I wrote in my June news post, I was keen to see Sulo herding aptitude tested as I was so impressed by his natural herding abilities. Last weekend I was happy to receive a message informing me that Sulo had been tested at Pello on the 6th of August. He not only passed but also received the highest grading possible! The judge was Eija Kansanaho-Palonen. Well done Sulo and owner-handler Merja!
Seija has been eye tested recently with a clear result. Thank you Diane & Piet! |
24 July 2021 |
Sad news reached me on the first weekend of July as I learned about the passing of Karo at the age of almost fifteen years. Then a couple of weeks later I got a message from Onni's owners to let me know that Onni had been given sleep. My condolences to the families of Karo and Onni.
Reisjärvi group show 19 June: Luka graded Excellent and placed third in OD, while Vappu was graded Very Good in OB under Erja Nummi.
Ruokolahti group show 10 July: Vappu graded Excellent by Sanna Kavén.
Vappu has been hip and elbow x-rayed with super results: hip score A/A and elbow score 0/0. A big thank you to Vappu's people!
Photo updates: Luka (link above) has a new profile picture plus a new picture on Sylvi's progeny page. Thank you Elina Pikkujämsä! What is more, Bella's gallery has been updated with some shots taken over the sheep herding weekend back in June, and Vappu has a new head shot on Nuttu's progeny page. |
12 June 2021 |
Today marks the 20th anniversary of Cantavia Finnish Lapphunds as my very first litter was born exactly 20 years ago. What a ride it has been! Covid-19 put paid to my plans for a party, but here is a big virtual thank you to all owners of Cantavia Lappies! Pictured are Rauha and Mane from the first litter.

Last weekend some Cantavia dogs and I made our way to Pello, Lapland, for a weekend of sheep herding. Our trainer was Niina Laamanen of Pippurimuorin Lappies. The dogs present were Hali, Smokey, Bella, Vappu and Sulo as well as Hali's daughter Kauniin Lumi-Loitsu aka Taika. Hali has been herding several times before and while he is super clever with reindeer, he is not too keen on sheep and will be focusing on reindeer herding from now on. Our other herding veteran is Bella and I just loved watching her work the sheep. Despite his young age, Sulo has had a go at herding once before and he did look so promising in the paddock that I hope to see him aptitude tested at some point. The other three dogs were first-timers, all of them showing great interest in the sheep. All three seemed to get the idea what they were supposed to do. Vappu in particular showed some great herding moves such as stopping the herd by going in front of it. Thanks everyone for an enjoyable weekend! Pictured below is Vappu.

Usva has been eye tested clear, which is really great since she is nearly seven years old. Very happy! |
29 May 2021 |
I am going to start this long overdue update with heartbreaking news: Sweet lovely Ruska had to be given sleep at the age of almost 12 years as she was diagnosed with a urine bladder tumour. A month or so later, we had to say goodbye to darling Minea, who went into a bad shape with no apparent reason and the only right thing to do was to let her go. My condolences to the owners! Another sad item of news is that Jekku has been diagnosed with copper-associated chronic hepatitis. According to the biopsy, this is a mild case of the disease. Let's hope it stays that way.
Health test results: Hilla, who was diagnosed with a lateral grade 2 patella luxation on her left knee as a youngster, was recently re-examined to see if the situation had got any worse. Unfortunately it had as the right knee is now affected, too (medial grade 1 luxation). Hilla might need an operation at some point, however, she is doing fine for now. In better news, Noki has been eye tested clear and gene tested Normal/Clear for prcd-PRA. Bella has also been eye tested clear, and she is free from heart murmurs and her patella score is 0/0.
Photo updates: Noki has a new profile picture and a couple of new shots in her gallery, Sulo's photos have been updated both on his personal page and on Vuokko's progeny page, and Tove has a new profile photo. A big thank you to the photographers! |
13 Mar 2021 |
Pessi was recently health tested and the results look like this: his hip score is B/B, elbow score 0/0, patella score 0/0, and his eyes are clear. Also Hali has been eye tested with a clear result. Thank you to the owners of Pessi and Hali!
Photo updates: Alma, Bella and Pörri have new profile pictures and the following galleries have been updated: Alma, Bella, Noki (reindeer herding photos) and Tove (also featured is Tove's flatmate Hilppa). What is more, Nuttu's progeny page has been updated. |
14 Feb 2021 |
Luka's hip and elbow scores are back from the Finnish Kennel Club: hip score C/B, elbow score 0/0. |
8 Feb 2021 |
Health test results: Varpu, Viima and Luka have been eye tested clear. Varpu's patellas were re-examined and the score is still 0/0. Luka's patella score is also 0/0 while his hip and elbow scores are subject to Finnish Kennel Club evaluation. A big thank you to the owners!
Noki has a new profile picture and a couple of new photos in her gallery. Thanks Outi! |