News & updates 2019
8 Dec 2019 |
Pello group show 23 Nov.: Vappu went Best Puppy in
Breed and Ruusu, on her last
intermediate class outing, VG/4 under Perttu Ståhlberg.
Helsinki Winner Puppy Show 2019/Finnish Winner Puppy Show 7/8 Dec.: Bella's co-owner,
bitten by the proverbial dog show bug, took Bella to
Helsinki for
the Winner puppy shows. Saturday saw Erika
Häkkinen judging and she placed Bella second in
her class, while on Sunday Bella was unplaced by Jaana Hartus.
Sadly we have had to say farewell to two great
ladies and one fantastic chap this autumn: Miina and
litter siblings Doris and Rekku had to be given
sleep due to old age. My condolences go out to the owners.
Noki's photo page
updated - thank you Outi Uusitalo! |
13 Oct 2019 |
Kajaani puppy show 5 Oct: Bella did
well at her very first show under Katja
Korhonen: she showed beautifully and got a second
place in baby puppy class.
Autumn Specialty of the Lapphund Club of Finland,
Kajaani 6 Oct: Bella repeated her previous day's
performance and went second in baby puppy under
Silja Jokinen while her sister Vappu took the third place. We also showed three
juniors: litter brothers Biegga and Luka, who attended their
first show, and Hilppa. The boys
were put through their paces by Silja Jokinen, who
gave Biegga a Very Good grading while Luka was graded
Excellent. Thank you Sanna Parviainen for your
handling help! Hilppa, who was slightly on the chubby side, was graded Good by Mari
Lackman. Photos courtesy of Petri Hallberg - top left Bella, top
right Vappu, bottom left Luka, bottom right Hilppa (unfortunately
no photo of Biegga).

Hilppa participated in a decoy bear test as her
co-owner Taru was curious to see how she would react
if faced with a large wild animal. Hilppa
did bark but was not afraid or did not try to approach the
bear foolhardily. Well done Hilppa!
Ruusu's first
health test results came back and it is all good news!
Her hip score is A/A, elbow score 0/0 and she is
free from patella luxation.
Noki has a
new profile picture and her gallery has been updated. Thank you Taru! |
28 Sep 2019 |
who moved down south earlier this month to join the
Famolas Finnish Lapphunds & German Spitz, has got her own page.
Photo updates: Smokey, Sylvi's progeny (R litter), and Bella's gallery. Thank you
everyone who let me use their photos on the website! |
24 Aug 2019 |
Överkalix all-breed show, Sweden 18 Aug: 30
Lappies entered for Tomas Rohlin, out of which two
were representing my team. Hali, graded
Excellent, was unplaced in the competitive champion
class, while Ruusu (still very
much naked, which the judge was happy to crack a few jokes about!) got a second
place in the intermediate class and went fourth in
the bitch challenge. Photo of Hali by Pirjo Kivijärvi, Ruusu's
photo by me.

Luka's photo
updated - thank you Matleena! |
17 Aug 2019 |
Seija was eye
tested clear yesterday. Thank you Diane & Piet! |
4 Aug 2019 |
Piteå all-breed show 13 July: Svea graded Excellent
and placed second in the open class by Anita Whitmarsh.
Kemi all-breed show 20 July:
Hilppa graded
Very Good and placed second in the junior class by Irina Poletaeva.
Ristijärvi group show 27 July:
Hali won the
champion class and got a second place in the dog
challenge, while Nuuk, almost 13
years old, went second in the veteran class. Alma was graded
VG and placed second in the junior class and Ruusu, who is
completely out of coat, was also graded VG
and got a third place in the intermediate class. As
there were four dogs present, we were able to show a
team, which went Best of Breed and second runner-up to Best
Team in Show. Thank you owners and handlers for
sticking around on such a hot day! Both the breed and
group final were judged by Matti Palojärvi.
Ii group show 3 Aug: Hilppa Very Good/2 under Kurt Nilsson.
There are new photos in the galleries of Alma and Hilppa. Pictured below
is Kira's puppy
at the age of two weeks.
19 July 2019 |
Samuli and Kira's singleton baby is finally here! It is a
girl, coloured black with white markings.
Oulu Nordic & International shows 13/14 July:
on Saturday, Hilppa was graded
Very Good and managed a very nice third place in a large junior
class under Arvid Göransson, while on Sunday she was graded Good
by Teuvo Kangas. |
9 July 2019 |
MyDogDNA report is now available: he is Pompe disease
Normal/Clear and DM Normal/Carrier (prcd-PRA
Normal/Clear by parentage). |
7 July 2019 |
Kira was
x-rayed and she is indeed only expecting one puppy,
which will be arriving in about one week's time.
Alma and Ruusu's
galleries updated with photos taken by Paula
Martiskainen at the Sotkamo group show. Thank you Paula! |
22 June 2019 |
Puppy news! Kira is in whelp
to Staalon Xamuli (according to the ultrasound,
there is just one puppy though).
Sotkamo group show 8 June: 25 Lappies entered for
breeder judge Katja Partanen, three of which were
from my team. First up was Nuuk, who was graded
Excellent and got a second place in the veteran
class. I had entered my junior girls:
was graded Very Good, while Ruusu provided the
biggest surprise of the day by winning her first CC,
Best of Breed and a Group 3! Thank you Pirjo Kivijärvi for
handling Ruusu for me while I was showing Alma, and
Paula Martikainen for the photo (also pictured is
Usvatassun Aikavintiö, Best Opposite Sex).

Bodø all-breed shows, Norway 15/16 June: on
Saturday, Svea
took a so-called minor CC and went BOS under Ratibor
Cekić. Sunday was not too bad either as Svea
won her class and was placed third in the bitch
challenge under Jovica Golubović. Well done Svea! |
6 June 2019 |
health test results are in: his hip score is
B/B, elbow score 0/0 and his eyes are clear. Vikke's gene test results will
be available soon as well once we get his MyDogDNA
report back from Genoscoper. Thank you Tuula and Matti! |
25 May 2019 |
Piteå all-breed show, Sweden 25 May: Svea won the open
class receiving a grading of Excellent and Champion Quality under Lisa Molin.
Also some heartbreaking news from Sweden: Kilpi is no
longer with us. She had got extremely sick completely
out of the blue and the only right thing to do was to
let her go. Everything happened so suddenly and we
have no answers as to what was wrong with her. The
best guess (by a veterinarian) is that her spleen
ruptured possibly because of tumours. My condolences
go out to Kilpi's family. |
19 May 2019 |
Taivalkoski group show 18 May: Hilppa, who was
attending her very first show, won the puppy bitch
class (with just one entry though) under breed
specialist Tapio Kakko. Photo by Pirjo Kivijärvi.

Ruusu and Hilppa have new
profile pictures (thanks Pirjo!) and Ruusu's gallery has also been updated. |
11 May 2019 |
Raahe group show 5 May: Alma had her ring
debut in a miserable weather, however, showed like a pro!
Graded Very Good, she won the junior bitch class of
five under breed specialist Tapio Kakko. Photos by Taru Vallius.

The Otso and Nuttu puppies are
now in their new homes adjusting to their new
families. Jehu
(successor to Ropi) lives in
Ii, while litter brother
stayed here in Oulu. Owned by
the Jäätuulen kennel, Vappu went out on
breeding terms to live with the Kauniin Lappies. The last one to
leave the nest was Bella, who I
placed out on terms in Liminka. Photo by Merja Koivuluoma.

Vikke's profile
picture updated and new photos added to Alma's gallery - thank you Taru! |
10 Apr 2019 |
Riga International, Latvia 23/24 Mar: Hali, his owners
Merja and Mika as well as her handler Katja drove
all the way to Riga to attend two international
shows, and they kindly took my Vuokko with them as well. On
Saturday, Hali went third in the dog challenge while
Vuokko, who was molting like crazy, was given a Very
Good by Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen. On Sunday it was
Hali's turn to be graded VG whereas Vuokko got an
Excellent but did not get any further. The judge on
Sunday was Dmitry Prozorov. Thank you Merja, Mika
& Katja!
Spring Specialty of the Lapphund Club of Finland,
Espoo 24 Mar: it was lovely to see the two oldies Jippo and Kukka that I
had not met for a while. Maija Mäkinen was judging
the males while Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki did the bitches, and both dogs were graded
Very Good. Photos by Sanna Parviainen.

Sadly, we have had to say goodbye to Viivi, who recently had
an epileptic fit and was diagnosed with a brain
tumour shortly after that. She would have turned ten years
old today. Viivi was one of those puppies that I will
always remember - I have never had another puppy with such
a waggy tail. My condolences to Viivi's family. |
13 Mar 2019 |
"Very soon" meant very soon indeed - the Otso ex Nuttu puppies are
here! Born a few days early, the two boys and two girls
are doing great, and so is their mum. |
12 Mar 2019 |
Puppy news! Nuttu is well and
truly in whelp by Otso and the
pups are due very soon.
Some sad news as well - Siehkku had to
be given sleep last week due to behaviour
issues. It was not a light decision but had to
be taken eventually as the situation was not easy either for Siehkku or the other dogs in
the family. My condolences to Pirjo & family.
Hali has been
eye tested clear. Thank you Merja & Mika!
Speaking of Hali, he attended a reindeer herding
camp on the Saajománnu reindeer farm at Pello
last weekend
and turned out to be a very clever
herder! Photo by Hali's owner Merja.

There is a new picture of Biegga on his
personal page (photo by Niina Leiviskä). |
24 Feb 2019 |
Hilla had her
first health tests done and unfortunately turned out
to have a grade 2 patella luxation on her left
knee. As a result, I decided to exclude her from my
breeding programme. It was bittersweet then to
learn a few days later that her hip score is A/A and elbow score 0/0 (which, of
course, I am happy about!). |
31 Jan 2019 |
Alma, now eight
months old, has a new profile picture. In addition,
there are lots of new photos in her gallery, all thanks to the brilliant photographer Taru Vallius!