Cantavia Finnish Lapphunds

News & updates 2018

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24 Dec 2018

23 Dec 2018
Vilnius triple international shows, Lithuania 21/22/23 Dec: Hali, his owner Merja and handler Katja made their way to Vilnius to attend the Litexpo Cup/Vilnius Winter/Christmas Cup shows arranged by the Lithuanian Kennel Club. On Friday, Marja Talvitie gave Hali an Excellent grading and a second place in the champion class. Saturday saw Audronė Babianskienė judging and Hali won the champion class and went runner-up to best dog with a reserve CACIB. Sunday was a repeat of Saturday in terms of results under Ingrid Hectors. Well done Hali!

Vuokko was eye tested recently and I am happy to report that she was given an all-clear at the age of seven.

10 Nov 2018
Hilppa, the singleton girl born to Rassi and Usva, has moved to her new home in Kemi. Placed out on breeding terms, I hope that she will carry on the "Valo" line of my breeding programme one day. I would like to thank Usva's owner Jenna for a job well done raising Hilppa!

21 Oct 2018
Autumn Specialty of the Lapphund Club of Finland, Jämsä 7 Oct: this was Ruusu's very first show and as she had just turned nine months old earlier that week, she was shown in the junior class. Still very much a baby, she was graded Very Good by Erja Nummi.

Kuura's hip and elbow scores are back from the Finnish Kennel Club: her hip score is B/B and elbow score, as expected, 2/2. Other not-so-pleasant news is that Jekku has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which was found pretty much out of the blue in a routine post-cancer check-up. On a brighter note, Otso and Saimi have been eye tested clear.

Picture gallery updates: Kira, Ruusu, Alma, and Usva's daughter Hilppa, who is growing nicely and leaving for her new home next week. Thank you Taru, Matleena and Jenna for the photos!

30 Sept 2018
Pessi (who has a new picture on his personal page) has been tested on a decoy bear to see how he would react if he actually bumped into a real one (which is not too far-fetched since sightings of bears are frequently reported around where he lives). He did a great job especially considering his young age.

Jekku has had his patellas scored and heart auscultated with no remarks from the vet. Kuura, however, was not quite so lucky with her x-rays: while her hips looked decent, there were clear signs of elbow dysplasia. We are now waiting for the Finnish Kennel Club vet's comments and final scores. Thanks to owners of both for having your dogs tested!

22 Sept 2018
Viima eye tested clear. Thank you Leila!

Ruusu, who is now eight months old, has a new profile picture.

8 Sept 2018
Puppy news! Usva gave birth to one bitch puppy on the 4th of September. There was one (huge!) dog puppy as well but unfortunately he did not make it. Usva and the singleton girl are doing very well.

26 Aug 2018
Bornholm double international shows, Denmark 18/19 Aug: On Saturday, Viima was graded Good by Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari. Sunday saw Jørgen Hindse judging and Viima got a third place in the dog challenge with a reserve CC.

Överkalix all-breed show, Sweden 19 Aug: Svea VG/2 under Boo Lundström. Photo by Pirjo Kivijärvi.

Kira has been eye tested clear.

11 Aug 2018
Puppies on the way! Usva has been confirmed in whelp to Fidelis Ravja. Visit Puppies for more information.

Rovaniemi group show 4 Aug: Svea, who has a new profile picture, graded Excellent by Kirsi Honkanen.

Raahe group show 5 Aug: Svea graded Excellent again, this time by Tuula Pratt.

Kuhmo group show 11 Aug: Nuuk runner-up to BD & Best Veteran under Tuula Pratt.

Sylvi's puppies have got their personal pages. Go to Litters to access them.

18 July 2018
Sadly, Vuokko gave birth to just one tiny male puppy that died the next day. So no puppies this summer unfortunately.

Piteå International & Lapphund Speciality, Sweden 14/15 July: Hali was graded Excellent and Svea Excellent/3 under Maija Lehtonen. Hali was shown on Sunday as well and was graded Excellent by Nina Karlsdotter.

Nuuk has been to an eye test and diagnosed with a non-hereditary minor cataract. Thank you Pirjo for having the old boy tested!

13 July 2018
Vännäs all-breed show, Sweden 16 June: Svea EXC/2 under Susanne Nilsson

Gällivare Nordic dog show, Sweden 30 June: litter brothers Viima and Hali (pictured below by owner Merja) placed third and fourth in the champion class with a CQ grading each. Nuuk won the veteran class, went third in the dog challenge and also got Best Veteran. Svea followed suit going third in the bitch challenge with a reserve CC. The four dogs were also shown as a team, which went Best Team - very grateful to the owners for doing this even though I was unable to make it to the show myself! Finnish Lapphunds were judged by Juha Putkonen.

Pärnu group show & double international shows, Estonia 6/7/8 July: at Friday's group show, Viima won the champion class with an Excellent grading under Elisabeth Spillman. On Saturday, Evgenia Tolpina gave him Best of Breed, which means that Viima got his Estonian title, and even more importantly, finished his International title. Extremely chuffed! On Sunday, Viima went fourth in the dog challenge under Iuza Beradze. Thank you & congrats Leila!

Seija has been eye tested clear. Thank you Diane & Piet!

Lovely Peppi had to be given sleep at the end of June, just one month shy of her fourteenth birthday. She was such a sweetie and will be greatly missed by many. My condolences go out to Peppi's owner Kati.

24 June 2018
Vyborg double all-breed shows, Russia 23 June: Viima celebrated Midsummer in the show ring, going BOB under Alexander Nikitin and runner-up to BD under Marina Ostrovskaya. He can now add Russian championship to his growing list of titles. Many congratulations!

17 June 2018
A couple of show results:

Kotka Nordic dog show 17 June: Hali Excellent & CQ under Pekka Teini.

Tromsø International, Norway 17 June: Viima Very Good/4 under breeder judge Ambjörn Lindqvist.

10 June 2018
Puppy news! Sylvi gave birth to three boys and a girl on 26 May. What is more, there is another litter hopefully on the way (out of Vuokko).

Siilinjärvi group show 19 May: Saimi Very Good/3 under Jaana Hartus.

Piteå all-breed show, Sweden 26 May: Viima graded Excellent by Börge Espeland.

Kuura and Viima underwent conformation examinations organised by the Breeding Committee of the Lapphund Club of Finland at Rovaniemi on 20 May. The judge was Marja Talvitie and both dogs were "Approved for breeding".

Senni has been competing in Rally and finished her Rally Novice title in three straight trials! What is more, she has already earned a leg towards her next Rally degree. Well done Senni!

Hali and Svea have been gene tested for DM: Hali is a carrier and Svea clear. Thanks for testing!

Kuura's profile picture and photo gallery updated.

6 May 2018
Västerås all-breed show, Sweden 28 Apr: Hali runner-up to Best Dog with res CC under Sara Nordin.

Salo group show 28 Apr: Karpo (pictured left) graded Very Good and Hilla (pictured right) Good by Matti Palojärvi. Photos by Jussi Virtanen.

Posio group show 5 May: Nuuk went Best Veteran in Breed and took and a fourth place in the dog challenge under Mari Lackman. What is more, he was shortlisted for Best Veteran in Show by Esko Nummijärvi.

Haapavesi group show 6 May: Yet another Best Veteran win for Nuuk, this time under Hannu Talvi. Nuuk also went Best Dog & Best of Opposite Sex over the youngsters! Otso was graded Good.

Karpo and Hilla have new profile pictures, and Hilla's gallery has been updated with photos from the Salo show - thank you Jussi!

15 Apr 2018
On 8 April, Nuttu and I participated in a reindeer herding aptitude test in Kittilä to see if Nuttu had any idea what to do with the reindeer. Well, it turned out she did not, but it was once again a lot of fun to enjoy the special atmosphere of the reindeer herding event!

Usva was eye and heart tested clear this week, and her patella score is 0/0.

A couple of new photos added to Ruusu's gallery.

7 Apr 2018
Litter siblings Svea and Nuttu's gene test results are in: both of them are Pompe disease Normal/Clear, however, Nuttu was also tested for degenerative myelopathy and unfortunately her result turned out to be At risk. This means that she has an increased risk of developing DM at an older age.

25 Mar 2018
Riga International, Latvia 17/18 Mar: Kielo and Vuokko were on the road again with Pinja Lämsä. Considering both of them are molting like crazy, the results way exceeded my expectations - on Saturday, Kielo got a second place in the bitch challenge while Vuokko was fourth, and on Sunday it was vice versa. Kielo went Best Veteran both days and got her Latvian and Baltic veteran champion titles, whereas it was a near miss for Vuokko, who had to be content with a reserve CC and reserve CACIB. The judges were Dan Ericsson (Sat) and Marion ten Cate (Sun). Thank you Pinja for a job well done! Photo of Kielo by Pinja.

Kemijärvi group show 24 Mar: Kuura was graded Very Good by Tuula Pratt at her first junior class show.

Spring Specialty of the Lapphund Club of Finland, Siilinjärvi 24/25 Mar: on Saturday, Nuttu had her remaining health tests done - her patella score is 0/0 and she is free from heart murmurs. What is more, her Pompe disease and DM gene test results will be available soon. Nuttu also went through a conformation examination done by Mari Lackman and was "Approved for breeding". On Sunday she had her open class debut under Unto Timonen and was graded Excellent.

7 Mar 2018
Vilnius International, Lithuania 2/3/4 Mar: Viima pulled off a hat trick at the three back-to-back international shows in Vilnius, winning a Lithuanian CC and a CACIB each day! On Sunday he even took BOB. Viima came home with no less than three new titles: he finished his Lithuanian and Finnish championships topped off with the title of Lithuanian Winner 2018. The judges were Tamara Sarmont (Friday), Christian Jouanchicot (Saturday), and Renata Petkevičienė (Sunday). Congrats & thanks Leila!

Juuka group show 3 Mar: Old boy Nuuk added one more Best Veteran win to his credit under Maarit Hassinen. He also took a fourth place in the dog challenge. Way to go Nuuk! Photo by Mari Rantanen.

1 Mar 2018
The Sälli and Kira puppies have left for their new homes. Both of them live nearby, Napu in Oulu and Ruusu, who is placed out on breeding terms, in Kello. A big thank you to Kira's owner Mervi for doing such a super job with the puppies!

4 Feb 2018
Parkano group show 3 Feb: Viima won the champion class with a CQ under Sakari Poti.

30 Jan 2018
Raahe group show 27 Jan: Svea graded Very Good in the intermediate class by Markku Kipinä.

Kaunas International, Lithuania 27/28 Jan: Saturday appeared to be a day of Very Goods since also Vuokko and Kielo were graded Very Good. Sunday's show, however, went a lot better with Kielo going BOS & BOB veteran (which makes her a Lithuanian veteran champion) and Vuokko winning her all-important fourth CACIB and thereby finishing her C.I.B title! What is more, she also got her Lithuanian title. The judges were Rony Doedijns (Saturday) and Jean-Claude Klein (Sunday). Thank you Pinja Lämsä for taking the girls with you! Photo by Pinja.

Kuopio Spitz Specialty 28 Jan: Nuuk won the veteran class among stiff competition and took a creditable third place in the dog challenge under Juha Putkonen. He was also BOS veteran. Bitches were judged by Katja Korhonen, who gave Saimi a Very Good. The Finnish Lapphund entry was once again huge, this time 132 dogs entered!

22 Jan 2018
Karpo was tested for Degenerative Myelopathy and turned out to be clear.

16 Jan 2018
Kajaani International 14 Jan: Viima got a very nice second place in the competitive champion class, while Nuuk was graded VG and won the veteran class under Annukka Paloheimo.

13 Jan 2018
Karpo's health results are in: clear eyes, hip score C/C and elbow score 0/0. Thank you Anu & Jussi!

6 Jan 2018
The Sälli & Kira puppies are here! Three girls were born on New Year's Day, sadly one of them was stillborn but we are happy about these two little treasures. Photo by Mervi Pikkarainen.