Cantavia Finnish Lapphunds

News & updates 2020

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9 Dec 2020

Bella and Noki have now been hip and elbow scored: both have a hip score of B/B and elbow score of 0/0. Noki was also patella tested clear (0/0).

9 Oct 2020

Autumn Specialty of the Lapphund Club of Finland, Lahti 5 Oct: Noki, who was attending her very first show, was graded VG by Marja Talvitie.

Good news on Alma's gene test results: she is both prcd-PRA and DM clear.

Personal pages added for Lalli ex Kira puppies (see links under Litters).

30 Sep 2020

Alma's remaining health tests done: she has clear eyes and is free from patella luxation and heart murmurs. Now we are just waiting for her prcd-PRA and DM gene test results back from Laboklin.

22 Sep 2020

Vappu and her 11-year-old co-owner Sylvia took part in their very first Musical Canine Freestyle competition in Oulu on the 19th of September. It was the annual dog dancing championship event of the Lapphund Club of Finland. The dog-handler team did a splendid job scoring 21.27 points (which translates into a Very Good grading) and they were also awarded the 2020 Musical Canine Freestyle championship (Starters) of the Lapphund Club of Finland. Congratulations Sylvia and Vappu!

14 Sep 2020

Porvoo all-breed show 12 Sep: Bella graded Very Good by Perttu Ståhlberg.

Smokey's hip and elbow scores are back: his hip score is C/C and elbow score 0/0.

As if we have not lost enough of our beloved Cantavia-bred dogs this year, unfortunately we have had to say goodbye to Helmi as well. She was suffering from urinary tract infections, which turned out to be caused by a massive tumour that had spread aggressively in her rectal and vaginal area and could not be operated. My condolences to Helmi's family.

Pictured below are Cantavia Karvakorva & Karvakuono.

7 Sep 2020

Bella took part in a sheep herding aptitude at Oulainen on 5 Sep and passed it with an Excellent grading. Congrats and thanks Hanneliisa!

Smokey has been eye tested clear, and his hip and elbow scores should be back from the Finnish Kennel Club soon. A big thank you to Smokey's family for having him health tested!

Kira's puppies pictured below aged four weeks.

16 Aug 2020

Kajaani group show 15 Aug: Bella, who is still a junior, Excellent/2 under Maija Mäkinen.

Svea has been eye tested clear. Thank you Elisabet & Sandra!

12 Aug 2020

Otso has been eye tested clear. Thank you Linnea!

10 Aug 2020

Lalli and Kira's puppies are here! Unfortunately we lost one of the boys, but the remaining three boys and their sister are doing just great.

Haapajärvi group show 8 Aug: Luka EXC/4 under Hannu Talvi.

4 Aug 2020

Hilppa's hip score turned out to be C/D (fortunately the elbow score is 0/0), which of course means that she will not be bred from. She is also suffering from a persistent cough (possibly something to do with her tonsils), which is another reason to exclude her from my breeding programme.

30 July 2020

Hilppa's DM test result arrived: she is a carrier.

28 July 2020

Puppies on the way! Kira has been confirmed in whelp to Peski Karvalalli. Due early August, five puppies were seen on the x-ray.

Two pieces of heartbreaking news have arrived this month: First, Raita had started coughing and was duly x-rayed. Some infiltrates were seen close to the spot where the trachea divides into two primary bronchi. Raita kept getting worse despite her medication, which unfortunately meant that her time was up. Second, Kukka, who would have turned 14 years old in a couple of weeks' time, had to be given sleep as she had chronic tendinitis on her front legs. My condolences to Raita and Kukka's owners!

We had Hilppa's hip and elbow x-rays done (and blood drawn for the DM gene test) last week and are now waiting to hear the results. What is more, Hilppa's gallery has been updated. Thank you for the photos Sofianna Hanhisuanto!

1 July 2020
Ruusu was eye and heart tested clear earlier this week. What is more, she has a new profile picture by Taru Vallius - thank you Taru!

27 May 2020
Vuokko's singleton boy Sulo, who became the sidekick of his big brother Hali, has got his personal page.

Some sad news arrived in April: Toppe had suddenly become very poorly and had to be put to sleep at the age of 13 years and 8 months. My heartfelt sympathies go out to Toppe's family.

Kira has been eye tested clear. She was also patella tested to make sure her knees are still OK (her first test was done when she was very young) and I am happy to report that the score remained unchanged (0/0).

New photos: Vappu, Noki and her gallery and Nuttu's progeny page. Thank you Elina, Outi and Sanna!

27 Mar 2020
Alma has been hip scored (C/C) and elbow scored (0/0).

8 Mar 2020
Vuokko gave birth to her final litter on 19 Feb, however, sadly just one out of the four survived.

Crufts, England 7 Mar: Viima was shown at the world's greatest dog show by Sam Moore of Morval Finnish Lapphunds. 86 Lappies were entered under Espen Engh, who placed Viima fifth (VHC, Very Highly Commended) in Open Dog. Many thanks to Sam for handling Viima so beautifully!

18 Feb 2020
Our junior girls Hilppa, Vappu and Bella have been out and about, and also Alma (intermediate) and Ruusu (open) have both made an appearance in the show ring:

Kajaani International 11 Jan: Vappu Very Good/2, judge Sakari Poti.

Raahe group show 18 Jan: Vappu Very Good/3, Hilppa Good, and Ruusu Very Good/4 under Jaana Hartus.

Kuopio Spitz Specialty 26 Jan: Bella Excellent/4 and Alma Excellent/3 under breeder judge Esa Ruotsalainen.

Tornio group show 8 Feb: Bella Very Good/3, judge Mari Lackman.

Sad news: Lovely Mette had to be given sleep just ten days shy of her 12th birthday. Pieces of meaty bone got stuck in her oesophagus and, with the prognosis not looking promising, the only decent thing to do was to let her go. So sorry for your loss Kirsi & family.

Eye test results: Viima and Nuttu have been officially eye tested clear. Jekku's eyes have been tested inofficially (i.e. the result will not be appearing in the Finnish Kennel Club database) - some nuclear sclerosis was diagnosed, however, nothing that impairs his vision. Many thanks to the owners!

Photo updates: Alma, Bella and Noki (below) have new profile pictures courtesy of Taru Vallius and Outi Uusitalo. What is more, photo galleries of Bella and Noki have been updated.